Ryan Chen's Second Semester Page

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Date: 2/14/18

In this Program, We learned how to play Tic-Tac-Toe by using picture boxes and global variables to alternate between X and O

Basic AI Game

Date: 3/7/18

In this Program, We learned how to move a picture box with keyboard keys and have an AI on a timer chase the picture


Date: 3/8/18

In this Program, We learned how to move labels diagonally and in different sizes to make them seem like stars

Upgraded Basic AI

Date: 3/15/18

In this Program, We learned how to move a picture box character with keyboard keys and instead have 5 AI's to chase the character

My Final Project

Date: 6/7/18

In my final project, I programmed a version of a very popular and enjoyable game called "Spelunky". This game is basically exploring underground caverns while collecting gems and escaping viscious animals